Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I hate it when...

1. I call someone and someone else picks up their phone. Seriously, I wanted to talk to you, I would have called you.

2. People forward me chain letters, seriously STOP IT.

3. Not being able to remember all the things I hate, when I'm trying to blog about it. Maybe I'm just in a good place right now.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Game Recognition

Do you have to have game to recognize game? I don't think I have any but I have clearly pointed out some game recently. True story, happened to a friend of mine, Let's call her Ann. Ann is casually dating John.

So... Ann gets a phone call at a suspicious hour, 10 am. John gives his location and plans for the day. This is abnormal because remember Ann and John are casual, who gives out a minute buy minute report of their whereabouts without being questioned. John's going to the library at the local college. Ann was puzzled so she called me.

I reminded Ann of conversation we once had. A while back John tells Ann a story about how he when he doesn't want to seem suspicious although he is conducting suspicious activity he tells the truth, or at least a part of it. In other words John will say he's going to the grocery store and he will go but only after he's visited Janet.

So...later in the day...Ann calls John. John says he is on his way back. "Back where, Ann says" Back to Tina's, John's ex-girlfriend who happens to live near the local college's, house. John realizes he's caught and says, "I needed to use her library card". Is that what they're calling it these days reading is fundamental...

Friday, September 16, 2005


It's been awhile guys. I've been busy, acting crazy gathering benefits left and right. You would be proud. I now have medical dental and life insurance. But these are not the type of benefits that I care to discuss today.

Friends w/benefits. My take on the situation is skewed currently. Overwhelming my friends lobby against them with arguments that it never ends or continues well. Maybe I didn't figure it all out to well. But I remember my mother telling me to be friends first so how does the whole transistion go down. So that I can figure this out, please respond with one of the choices below or make up one your own and let me know.

A) Friendship,affection, relationship
B) Affection, friendship, relationship
C) Relationship, affection, friendship
D) Friendship, relationship, affection

Okay I guess I answered my own question there. D is ideal but whatever happens in between friendship and relationship has always alluded me. Is there some magical conversation that you're supposed to have, do you like pledge your love to the person, like seriously where does the transition come in. More importantly I seem to be inclined to end up half-way in the middle of option a wondering WTF and whether I even want a relationship with the person because they act so retarded mid-A? And why does it seem like when you get a friend with benefits you end up losing the benefit of friendship immediately. It's like cell phone coverage. One minute you've got four bars. Next minute you're on analog roam. And you have to pay a lot more than you're used to just to make a phone call. And even if you're standing under the biggest satellite ever, you have no service. Somebody help me

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