Gentle giants
I like tall men. Period.
If a man is over six feet tall, he automatically has my attention and I'm going to look the man over and decide whether he could be a person of interest.
16 or 60, the man is being assessed.
White, Black, Indian, Hispanic, Samoan...yup that man is getting checked out.
Body types are not a big deal for me. I've dated them all from really skinny to way too much to love. I like tall men. The thing is, more than I like height, I like confidence.
This is what he said: "If I were girl, I wouldn't be checking for me."
My thoughts: You know you best and you wouldn't date you? Why should I?
I've noticed that a lot of men have issues with their bodies and that can ruin all the tall awesomeness for me. To stand close to a foot over me and say self-deprecating things about your weight, your flab, how big you so unattractive. As I type this, I am painfully aware of how men complain about women and their "Do I look fat" questions. It's all the same.
Gentle giants, don't make yourself a midget by devaluing what you're blessed with. If I'm still looking at you, I'm happy with what I see. I do know how to say no to getting to know someone that I'm not attracted to.
I feel the need to add, I don't exclusively date tall men. That's just what I am initially attracted to. A man with less height and a lot of confidence is better than a tall man with a pint-sized attitude.
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