Monday, September 26, 2005

Game Recognition

Do you have to have game to recognize game? I don't think I have any but I have clearly pointed out some game recently. True story, happened to a friend of mine, Let's call her Ann. Ann is casually dating John.

So... Ann gets a phone call at a suspicious hour, 10 am. John gives his location and plans for the day. This is abnormal because remember Ann and John are casual, who gives out a minute buy minute report of their whereabouts without being questioned. John's going to the library at the local college. Ann was puzzled so she called me.

I reminded Ann of conversation we once had. A while back John tells Ann a story about how he when he doesn't want to seem suspicious although he is conducting suspicious activity he tells the truth, or at least a part of it. In other words John will say he's going to the grocery store and he will go but only after he's visited Janet.

So...later in the day...Ann calls John. John says he is on his way back. "Back where, Ann says" Back to Tina's, John's ex-girlfriend who happens to live near the local college's, house. John realizes he's caught and says, "I needed to use her library card". Is that what they're calling it these days reading is fundamental...


Blogger DCI74 said...

Hmm very interesting post. John has no game and the reason is simple. If he was really straight up about this casual relationship there is no reason to give partial/half truths. If a woman knows the man she is dealing with is not exclusive and she's cool with that he should be able to call Female #2 from Female #1's house letting her know he's on the way, without batting an eye because everybody is on the up and up. The only people that worry about suspicion are the ones with something to hide and if your game is tight nobody should be in the dark.

3:31 PM, September 26, 2005  

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