Day One

Me, but a lot younger and whiter
So...This weekend I had the pleasure of scanning a lot of my childhood pictures. I'm really happy about it! Finally I have in my possession documentation that explains why I am so self-absorbed. For a huge portion of my life, my formative years even, my family was absorbed into me as well. It's not my fault that I felt like a Roman and started doing what they did, and when they changed the game, I didn't.
I am absolutely infatuated with this picture and I don't know why. It is obviously that first hospital pic. You know the one with the weird slicked down hairstyle and the bow taped down. But guys, check the facial expression, I've been me since day one. I can just imagine what I was thinking. "Who the Heck is that!, and why are they all up ons". Notice the pugilistic stance, I seem to be ready to strike them if they bring that camera any closer.
I'm mad that I've been mad dogging fools since birth, perhaps in the womb I was rolling my eyes at dumb people who, although they didn't know my mother, felt the need to caress the belly. So I've made this picture my desktop, and I never want to turn off my computer. I just stare into my own eyes and think back to a simpler time. I know it's narcissistic and weird. I know it's crazy but its me and I am fascinated with myself at all ages. I know you are too, I understand, I'm just that tight!*
*Sorry about that last bit, I get a bit carried away