Monday, May 02, 2005

Pink Elephants

So... a friend of mine decided that we needed to talk about a pink elephant and ever since then that whole concept has baffled me. Pink Elephants. I've heard them talked about since I was really young, I even remember them being in a Looney Tune or two.

Having a pink elephant is having an weird issue that everyone knows about but no one discusses. So I think to myself, if I actually had a pink elephant (a literal one) I'd talk about it. If any elephant (pink or not) or any pink animal, for that manner showed up in any room that I found myself a resident of, I definitely discuss it with someone. Seriously, the color pink is not natural for animals so I'd have to talk about the animal in the room going through a punk phase. I'd have to talk about the large animal that wandered into this room because, animals should be in zoos or in wild places with trees and stuff, not in my neighborhood or my house.

But nonetheless, the metaphor still stands and people try to exterminate pink elephants. Mostly because they make for uncomfortability within relationships ( subjects that can't be breached, things that can't be joked about). However I'm surprised that there is no fund to preserve the Pink Elephant. I mean, by talking about these pink elephants are we killing them by lethal injection or beheading them or are we just ushering them out of the room or are we giving them a henna rinse the devoid them of their pinkness. I don't want to be involved in any violence towards animals. I'd really like to know what happens...

Having thoroughly embarrassed myself on the internet at this point, I will conclude by saying...


Blogger ARP said...

in my experience, you don't kill the 'phant, rather, let it loose in the streets. It will find someone else's space to occupy, until freed again. No need for murder, these things are communal property.

6:00 AM, May 02, 2005  
Blogger Tiffany said...

Unfortunately, talking about her doesn't get rid of her.

1:39 AM, May 03, 2005  
Blogger Reeta said...

You are truly a special one... I miss my friend!

7:41 PM, May 08, 2005  

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