Friday, February 03, 2012

Atomic Number 2

I am not a fan of this circle/cycle
this repetition of action
this same ole lame ole
feeling of again
I love you again
so I allow you again
to be near me again
inspire me again
and deflate me again

A sad balloon, I am
withered because you gas me up
and don't tie me down
and I never ask you to knot
but always again
when I'm around you again
I am so full of you I could pop

He-li-um when I need healing
Inert and ineffective by choice
you run from me because I desire your breath
and you're too stingy to let me hold it
But you dream of the way that I contain you
Smile at the luxury of our decorations
Fantasize of archways built and a million releases
and then again
There is nothing to enjoy here, let the air out of the balloon

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