Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Did you miss me?
I've been plotting to resume blogging for a while now but, you know how life is. I got real busy, temporarily lost my mind, and next thing you know it three weeks later and I've left you hanging.

Awhile back I wrote a blog about being 22. Just prior to that I embraced my 22-ness. Told people that I was 22, and I planned to be 22 until they make me be 23. Why did you all let me do that. As I look back on the past couple of months I think to myself, I should have skipped this part. Because really being 20 something is a ridiculous part of life. Part of you wants to be teenage, the other part wants to do grown up stuff. And you're always somewhere in the middle. At 22 you're a bit closer to teenage and man, I never knew I had it in me. When I was a teenager, I was 30-something. So, who knew I could go on random adventures, date boys, etc.

Anyway, I've been putting in some serious time at the gym for the past four weeks. Killing it with the yes. Trying to get right in 2005 so I don't die in 2007. After three weeks of gymming I finally went and bought some gym clothes because in the beginning I didn't trust myself to be faithful. I know me better than that. I cheat. So now I'm cute in the gym. I have a new hairstyle which when I slow down long enough to use my camera I will take a picture of to show you all. Other than that life has been pretty normal. I'm the only crazy in my life.

I've read some interesting blogs by Lexisreid one of which I will be commenting on in my next blog. I don't really have anything else to say now, except, "I don't really like my job, so I don't think I'm going to go."


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