Tuesday, June 21, 2005


So...Last night I went to be extra-gangster in the gym. 30 min cardio at least 50 go's on each machine. At least 8 machines...You would all be proud. While walking from one machine to the next, I sprained my ankle. The same ankle that I have sprained between eight and ten times, decided that even though I was a gangster, it could be a punk. But I didn't let that stop me. I did 15 more mins of cardio after that. F' the ankle. Went home showered and went to sleep. No motrin, no ice, minimal elevation. So today my ankle is casaba melon sized. There seems to be a face growing out of it. I think I didn't sprain my ankle at all, instead a small alien lodge itself inside and is trying its hardest to escape. With all that, I am currently at work with my foot elevated on a heater and an ice pack tied to it. I'm not a gangster, no not at all.


Blogger Reeta said...

Go sit yo @$$ down =0)

7:50 PM, June 21, 2005  

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