Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why airport shuttles are not a good idea...

My Angry Face
So Sunday morning, Easter Sunday that is, I leave the Boston Marriott on my way to the airport. After the airport shuttle dude claimed he could squish my two friends and me into one seat and our luggage into the already full baggage space, we opted to go for the empty shuttle. At this point they, the full shuttle man and the empty shuttle man, decide to argue. Meanwhile I'm resting comfortably in the empty van thinking, "They should hurry up and fight so that I can make my flight." Anyway the van fills up to an appropriate capacity, and we take off.

The man is driving all kinds of crazy, which given the craziness of Boston only makes sense. It's a big construction zone with plenty of detours that they don't tell you about until you're on your way to the wrong place. Anyway we pull up to someone terminal they get off and start taking off they're luggage. I'm half asleep and freezing since I left my jacket in the hotel room but suddenly I think, "How does the shuttle man know that they're getting the right luggage? People would know their luggage, they'd at least check the tag."

You know I hate it when God sends me a clue and I don't pay attention. Then I feel like an idiot because, I should have known that that was exactly what was about to happen to me. So we pull up to the United terminal, I hop out to get my luggage, point to a bag that looks like mine. I look at the tag, it says Delta. Well that one's not mine. In fact none of the bags left in the van are mine. I'm heated.

So I tell shuttle man about it. He tries to explain that its their, the idiot who didn't know their bags, fault. I let him know that I don't care and say, "Well are you going to take me to their terminal to look for them?" He says "That'll be 12 dollars." So I loke. I say "What do you mean it's going to be 12 dollars?" Just when I was that close to losing my salvation he says, "I was talking to him," apparently he was mid-collect when I said that. I apologized and told him I was really flustered.

So me and shuttle man head off to the terminal that we think we let the culprit off at, American Eagle. We run through the terminal desperately looking for this woman, who turned out not to be who actually took my luggage. We can't find her or him.

Anyway at this point my flight is taking off in twenty minutes, I have no baggage to check and I'm still half asleep because bright girl that I am I though it'd be a good idea to go to the airport sleepy. Why would I ever need my mental faculties there? We'll talk about that later.

So I take down the info on the bag that is left in the van, which unfortunately has no airline info on it. I get the shuttle man's card so that I can call him to check if he has received my luggage. I don't pay the shuttle man, because seriously, why would I? I explain all that happened to the ladies at the counter who try to figure out something to help me but can't. I'm not even really paying attention to them because I can't focus when I'm half asleep. I make it to my plane literally 3 minutes before it leaves. I have no idea where my luggage is, if I'll ever get it back. I can't even cry because I'm so sleepy. I just doze off and wake up in Denver,Colorado for my connecting flight.

My connecting flight hilarity will be discussed in another blog but now we must discuss the issue at hand, my luggage. I get on the Denver flight and after a series of crazy events I make it to Ontario, CA. Where I was told to file a claim with Baggage Service. Baggage Service tells me that I can't file a claim because I never checked a bag. So now, not only do I not have ANY luggage but I also have NO prospect of getting a check to cover what I've lost. Now let's talk about this luggage.

When I go on a trip to see people that I haven't seen in a while, I want to look my best, so I take my best clothing. Included in this bag are:
  1. Two pairs of stiletto boots
  2. My Sexy Black dress
  3. My Favorite Shirt
  4. 2 of my favorite sweaters
  5. My Black Trouser pants
  6. The jeans that compliment my lack of butt
  7. My Black Suit Jacket which was purchased a week ago
  8. My Black skirt that has never been worn
  9. My Gold and Hot curling iron
  10. My Medicolegal Investigation of Death Book

The luggage is borrowed, so when I get home I have to explain to my Aunt why I will never be trusted again with her stuff and how it really wasn't my fault. Yeah so this bag is very important.

Anyway Sunday drags on, I'm still tired because of my crazy Denver to Ontario flight and I can't even think straight at this point. I go to my Mom's house for Easter dinner and take a nap. I decide I'll leave it till Monday when I've slept to try to think about it. I'll also leave this till the next installment because I'm, tired of writing and I'm sure you're tired of reading this. Stay tuned for Part 2.


Blogger Marcena said...

Airports and everything associated aren't a good idea. I went to Indiana for Christmas. I arrived in Indianapolis on Christmas Eve, my clothes however were detained and didn't arive till the day after Christmas!
...I linked to you blog, so happy blogging!

3:24 PM, March 31, 2005  
Blogger ARP said...

Lol @ the angry face. Romano thought that was your sexy face. He's a little slow, and still working on this facial contortion thing... God bless my man and no one else. HAHA

10:52 AM, April 01, 2005  

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