Wednesday, July 07, 2010


I think that I need this today,
And possibly more often than I realize since,
My Facebook has to show only one side of my face. In that book I allow the term friend to be used so casually with lots of flexibility when in fact friend to me is almost a religion.
I believe in its laws and I stay true to its word however I betray my covenant every time I confirm a friendship that is none at all.
If I swept through my friends list who would have blood on their doors, those whose bore with me through the firsts and the lasts ...almost omnipresent and as a group almost omnipotent...for me almost omniscient...almost divine...only almost because they are human and almost because they are the prophecy...almost because they are predestined and their coming was foretold...Almost because they are the gift and not the giver, creative but not the Creator. All things good and perfect come from Him so often through them. Therefore I am a devout believer in this part of my salvation...the restoration of almost all things...and I almost always have to thank God for them.


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