Friday, May 12, 2006

LD Relationships

Having been in a long distance relationship for a little while now, I'd like to compose a list of things one needs to be in a long distance relationship.

1. Patience- so that when they don't call you back immediately you don't break up with them.
2. Trust- so that when they don't call you back immediately you don't break up with them.
3. Wireless Lie Detector- so that after they finally call you back, you can regain trust.
4. Stamps- because every now and then you just need to lick something (j/K :) ?) No really for sending your sig nice little goodies to sustain them in the hard times.
5. Text Messaging- For keeping communication lines open when its midwork, you guys have conflicting schedules or you ran-out of minutes.
6. Picture Mail- use your imagination
7. Plane Tickets or Gas Cards- Because in reality you really do need to see this person at some point
8. Creativity- to plan some way to be together even though you're not
9. Understanding- Because if you're not at all flexible it'll never work
10. The same wireless service - Because Gosh! those bills can be taxing!

***Suggestions are welcomed. Be nice Alexis!


Blogger Tiffany said...

Since this long distance relationship is very much over. It seems that all I really needed was a different man.

3:00 PM, November 28, 2006  

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